"Tell me a little bit about yourself..."
A phrase I hate hearing.
When I get asked that, I just start at them blankly, utter a numerous amount of uhmms, and think of nothing.
What to say?
So, today, since my computer/camera issues have yet to be fixed (UGH!) and I really would like to continue challenging myself in writing in this blog, I am going to take on that question and let you know a little more about me.
So first, I should probably show you a picture of me...
You should know that I've grown up constantly being reminded of "stranger danger" and internet creeps that I never ever usually put pictures of myself on the WWW.
For everyone to see.
Kinda scares me a bit still even though now, I'm not sure why.
So, big deal happening right now.
Also, it doesn't help that I rarely like any pictures of myself.
Anyways, 1... 2... 3...
So, yeah. That's me.
Not super recent for the same lack of camera/computer connection reason going on right now but I can't say that I've changed a whole lot in the past few months. Maybe just have gotten a few shades lighter since I refuse to be out in the cold for long periods of time.
And now on to the "about me" part.
I've decided to share 5 basic facts.
#1. Well, I'm a girl. But I'm guessing ya'll already figured that one out. Haha.
Let me start again.
#1(again). I'm at that weird place between 18 and 21. So, I'm thinking guessing my age won't be very hard.
#2. I live in the Midwest but I want to go somewhere else one day. I WILL move somewhere else one day. Somewhere warm. Mmmm... and sunny!
#3. I'm pretty mixed. I come from South Asian and Spanish descent. Maybe even some European influences in there... Who knows?
#4. I'm really small/short/petite. Whatever way you want to say it, I'm that. And when I say really, I mean REALLY.
#5. I still don't really know what I want to do with my life or where I see myself in the next few years. Scary, nerve-wrecking, confusing stuff. Just picture me looking all crazy-like praying to God saying, "What should I be doing?! Where should I be going!?!" If you want, you can pray for me too because you know I need it.
Now you know a teeny bit about little ol' me.
And can put a face to these words.
But now its midnight, and I'm sleepy.
And if I don't get my proper amount of sleep, I'm not a pretty person in the morning. =/
So, yeah.